How I Work

So, here you are… starting therapy again!

You’ve tried talk therapy before. And you attempted to use cognitive-behavioral interventions.

Next, it was yoga and meditation. You even considered or are taking medication.

Yes, some of it was helpful, but something’s still blocking you from moving forward.

You’re still not where you want to be.

You wrestle with difficult emotions, like rage, chronic anxiety, loneliness, or depression. Maybe you’re repeating the same patterns in your relationships, or you struggle with relationships altogether.

There is a heaviness in your heart – and frustration that goes along with it. You’re holding on to negative beliefs, like “I’m not worthy. I’m a failure. I’m unlovable. I’ll never feel safe.”

You may even be experiencing physical and medical problems like a weak immune system, an autoimmune disorder, poor sleep, headaches, or chronic pain.

You have a story.

How old is your story? Who wrote it? Do you like it? Is it time to upgrade?

Our work is about how you interact with your story, with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Whether you had significant trauma or many little traumas and disappointments over and over and over, it can be hard to move forward.

Talking can be helpful, but it isn’t always enough to resolve your painful past and to create a new narrative for yourself.

Your own “writer’s” workshop

Your body holds information.

That painful memory from childhood – when a parent continually criticized you – where did that go?

What happens when you feel criticized now? What is your response? How does it affect your day or week? How does it affect your feelings about your partner – or yourself?

It’s upsetting when you have a more volatile response than you intended, definitely more explosive than you would have liked…

With compassion and understanding, we look at how and why you created your story, your beliefs, and some of your habitual responses.

Connecting mind and body

Body-Centered Therapy recognizes the intimate relationship between the human body and psychological well-being.

Emotions and beliefs working in the background can gunk up the system and color our present awareness of past hurts and how we have learned to protect ourselves.

Using cues from the body, we can access memories, emotions, and beliefs that usually lie beyond our daily thinking mind. Using Body-Centered Therapy, we can bring that unconscious and semiconscious material to the surface and resolve it once and for all.

Overcoming trauma

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is a powerful, cutting-edge treatment that enables people to heal from the emotional distress of painful life experiences and trauma.

A breakthrough approach that has been extensively researched and used by clinicians for over 20 years, EMDR can bring quick and lasting relief to those suffering from emotional distress.

EMDR Therapy accesses the brain’s natural ability to heal by stimulating both sides of the brain through the use of eye movements, taps, or sounds. The structured protocol of EMDR helps you navigate negative beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations associated with past negative life events or traumatic incidents.

The result is the present-time symptom relief and creating a more adaptive belief system for dealing with future issues.

Your story is only beginning.

This may not be your first attempt at Therapy, but let’s hope it’s the last you’ll ever have to try.

Reach out (541) 668-5288. Let’s turn the page together.